TVLINE vuole anticipare a tutti i fan di Castle qualcosa sul finale della terza stagione. A quanto pare sarà un episodio epico, che porterà a una svolta nelle indagini della morte della madre di Beckett e sulla relazione tra la detective e l’autore. Questo almeno secondo le parole dell’executive producer Andrew W. Marlowe.
Quanto c’è nel finale della relazione tra Beckett e Castle?
E’ la parte essenziale del finale anche se non credo che il pubblico sia pronto per del romanticismo tra i due per cui questo è un tema che svilupperemo nella prossima stagione. E’ vero anche che ora come ora sono molto vicini e non ci sono ostacoli a una loro potenziale relazione.
Qualcosa su un ritorno di Gina e/o Josh?
Posso promettervi che non ci saranno nell’episodio finale. Buone notizie quindi per il pubblico, ma non temete ci sono molte sorprese in cantiere.
Ci può confermare che ci sarà una morte importante?
Posso dirvi che qualcuno che abbiamo visto molte e molte volte prima morirà nel finale.
La morte centra con quella della madre di Beckett?
Sicuramente. E’ collegata a quel fatto.
Quindi ci sarà un’evoluzione delle indagini per quell’omicidio?
Verremo a conoscenza di molti particolari su quella cospirazione. Qualcosa accade a Hal Lockwood ed spalancherà una finestra sulle indagini che faranno sentire a Beckett di essere vicina all’omicida di sua madre.
Altro sul finale?
La stagione finirà con un alto tasso di emozioni che ha a che fare con Beckett e Castle. I fan dovranno essere preparati a tutto.
Carlo Nunnari 17 Aprile 2011 il 09:35
Charles Nunn
10154 – Torino
I write to Mr. Nathan Fillion, Stana Katic and production for ABC a suggestion regarding the series of Castle in Italy that is widely followed, has lately had a decline in TV audience for the reasons listed below.
Dear sirs, I hope you can read what I write and I assure you that I am a person who is normal free-thinking, the set of Castle that we see today in Italy, has entertained a lot of my free time, I would say that Italy is not is only the people of the inventors, but we strongly believe in the feelings and the initial report that was created between Castle and Beckett seems gone now, people who know and follow the series of Castle complain that the two heroes, there has never been nothing serious, cases of murders are almost discounted (at least for me) and that production is expected to come up with series of bets and of course ironic.
I would suggest two episodes of Castle would like to see that I and many other Italians (Knockdown Beckec calls himself after being stabbed in prison and whispers something in his ear before she died of her half as, in the episode of his arrest there was talk of two police officers who knew about the death of the mother of Beckett, but only one comes out, Captain Mongomery in a bet that Castle had told his family had to be there for a police force, Castle is always talking about a conspiracy of the CIA, the father Castle has never spoken or who could be, maybe a big shot, now the CIA, the daughter of a seer is confident that Beckett would have known Alexander and maybe one day would have saved his life, in fact in the two image points from me, putting together what is written above, castle is shot to death by a shield with his body so as not to hit Beckett during a shootout with agents of the CIA, is taken to hospital by ambulance following him and Beckett, Castle after surgery to remove the bullet is still in a coma while Beckett assists, is absent because someone is looking for the phone, on his return to the body of Castle has disappeared, while in hospital and while Castle is in a coma, Beckett reveals the sentiments you have for him telling him that he has always loved, Castle begins to move a hand trying to Beckett, but who has disappeared, the body of Castle and who is the father.).
I can write so many other ideas such as those who have kidnapped the body and where it went Castle, who could be the father of Castle, shed light on the death of Beckett’s mother, she is expecting a baby and do not say who it is after making love with Castle, and many other things, the series seems to have an inexhaustible mine if written well, a happy ending? (The department is upset that he will soon come to another small Castle, the son of Beckett.).
I hope the production can take into consideration the written and maybe see the two episodes I have described, I cordially greet
Charles Nunn. ([email protected])